Wednesday, December 8, 2010

12/8: Class Notes

What did people think of 7 letter word?
Daniel: It was helpful to have previous reports, previous code less helpful
Neha: It was helpful to know the approach of previous years. Knowing what not to do helped to figure out what to do.
EPK: Maybe it would be interesting to repeat multiple projects
Dan: We wasted a lot of time getting an architecture together when we could have been writing the code.
Elba: It was helpful that the first project was text based (and not geometric)
Flavio: It was nice that we could get some basic results quick

EPK: I liked that it was visual
Daniel: It was interesting that nobody got a good discrete solution
Everyone thought that the competition was fun

Elba: Everyone kinda plateaued
Yang: It was an interesting game, that models what we see in real life
Neha: The piling was terrible

General consensus - many variables, very complex, quite a bit of room for further work

Most people voted to extend project 4 for next year

Monday, December 6, 2010

12/6 Class Notes

Tournament parameters:

Group 4 will create an extra player that does just danger avoidance, and then comes back to the boat.

30, 40
5, 8, 15
1, 2, 7, 20, 30
Mines and treasure
G2 benchmark
Lochness, but it's happy, not dangerous
Lochness, plus 3 happy creatures of the same species
G5 VERY happy
1 or 2 static happy creatures
Piranha plus a few good creatures
More than 26 species

1 map with very dense wildlife many different species, d=60

We'll narrow this down to 8-10 boards

How many different random seeds?
~100-1000, depending on time it all takes (will maximize # seeds to fit in 4 hr run)

We'll use a different configuration today...
D=40, R=8,N=7, Seed=1,291,659,224,861

G1: 1023
G2: 1591
G3: 1330
G4: 702
G5: 1217
G6: 836
G7: 1153

What did we learn today?
John: Cover the board!
Daniel: We are overly conservative when estimating the number of creatures instantiated
Lauren: We are overly optimistic with the same thing!
Flavio: Better to be home early than to be home late!

Weds: Final code due by noon. Course wrap-up.
Mon: Presentation and report. and peer review

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

12/1: Class Notes

Schedule update: We are swapping the class wrapup and presentation days. So presentations on the 13th. Course wrapup on the 8th. Final players due at noon on the 8th.

We ran a d30 piranha map:
G5: -887,000; 13 didn't make it home
G1: 35,000
G2: 35,000
Lauren: We stay in the boat until there's no danger in the radius.
Flavio: This is going to keep you locked in the boat!
G3: -21,000
Jesse: We got the max, then we didn't go back, so we lost it all
G4: -1,347,000
Zach: We don't properly avoid danger due to a bug
G6: -71,000; 7 DSQ
You should have a fuzzy condition test to see if you have the max

G5: 0
G1: 5740
G2: -156
Whats a good meta strategy to realize that your current strategy needs to be changed?
David: Make milestones, and see if it's taking too long to ge there

Neha: Do path finding through static dangerous creatures

G3: 20740
G4: 1740
Zach: We should be exploring... but retraced our steps for some reason
G6: 1740

Lauren: It's important to have different strategies for static/moving danger.

Lauren: Visiting all of the creatures will be NP-Hard (traveling salesman)
DFed: Just use simple heuristics (see the closest, etc. only need to see 3 of each creature)

G5: 5005
G1: 4785
G2: 5321
G3: 6275
G4: Crash
G6: 5853