Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Expected tournament run times

Based off of a few anecdotal tests with only 1 core running, without overhead of logging the results:

# of roundsexpected run time (sec)

There will be:
8 choose 6 (28) configurations with 1 of each player (counting dumb player)
8 with 6 of each player (1 player playing against itself)
8 choose 2 (28) configurations with 3 of each player (2 players playing 3v3)

That's 62 player combinations and we had 7 round configurations, and assuming we do 1000 runs of each pair of player-round configurations, that's 434,000 executions.

I can conservatively run this across 300 cores, which puts us at 1445 executions per core, and if we round out the average run time to a highly conservative 2 seconds (counting overhead for logging and distributing batches), it should take just over 50 minutes to run the entire tournament.

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