Wednesday, November 24, 2010


DFed will augment the simulator so that snorkelers will see the direction that observed things are facing.

G1 & 4 errored.

G5 had a bad danger avoidance code
g6 had some big bugs too

What have we observed so far?
PK: Avoid the danger
Nitin: Is there some complexity in avoiding dangerous creatures?
EPK: The best way to avoid a creature is to swim perpendicular to it (Blake's idea)

Can you compute an expected score?
Is it worthwhile to do a complete simulation on each turn?
Daniel: You could do this probabalistically
Should we jump in the water for short periods of time and come back, ever?
Daniel: Note that if there are a lot of static creatures, it's essentially a maze solving problem

Blake: Players might want to keep track of a map (particularly of static) creatures to help them return

Eva: We need to have some way of interrupting a full message to deliver something super important
Neerja: You could just follow what's so important for 1-2 moves while sending what you were already, and then send the important one
DFed: We have no problem fitting everything that we need in 3 chars.
Blake: We encode different things depending on how big R is
Jesse: If there are a lot of things, it's not useful to broadcast this

DFed: We're sending (species)(location)(etc)
Daniel: This is good because then you know what you are looking for, and it can be interrupted better.
DFed: Even if you send stale messages, we can infer when it was sent and from where
Arcahna: Snorkelers should permute themselves around the board to see different things

Daniel: The isnork is really only useful for things that are rare and/or high value

For monday:
Make it better. G1 and g4 certainly shouldn't crash again :)
Have thoughts about the iSnork vocabulary

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